What to Do Before Calling a Furnace Repair Technician?

Some homeowners immediately grab their phone to call a furnace technician the moment their furnace shuts down on its own. This is good since problems really have to be solved outright. But if the issue is just the unit being accidentally unplugged, that is a different story. Before getting a furnace repair service in Saskatoon, SK, there are certain things that you must check to avoid a false emergency.

The basic steps are as follows:

Check the thermostat and make sure it’s on

Ensure that the thermostat setting is turned to “heat”. Don’t immediately assume that there’s a serious problem going on. You can also try setting the temperature 5 degrees up and see if your furnace kicks on afterward. If you’re using the programmable thermostat, check if it’s displaying the right day and time.. You can also try simply dusting the thermostat. If none of that helps, you may move on to the steps below.

Make sure the gas and switches are on

Someone might have turned the switches and gas valve off and forgot to turn them back on. Go and check the gas line back from your furnace right to the meter. If the handle is perpendicular to your gas pipe, just turn it and make it parallel.

Make sure your chimney exhaust flue is clear

Dismantle the duck and check for some debris. Some birds could fall right into the chimney exhaust flue. Clear the debris away, and don’t forget to reassemble the sections properly after inspecting this part.

Look for leaky or blocked ducts that could block airflow

If the furnace is on, yet some rooms are still very cold, check the registers first and make sure they’re open. Then, proceed to the ductwork and see if there are gaps between the branching points. Seal the gaps using duct tape if you have one.

Clean away the leaves and the debris from heat pumps or intake and exhaust vents.

If something blocks the exhaust or intake vents that could be the culprit. Clean away the debris and leaves from the vents and heat pumps. If it’s ice that’s clogging the pipes, better call a furnace repair service in Saskatoon, SK.

If you’re looking to get your unit serviced, you need an experienced and reliable furnace repair service in Saskatoon, SK. Efficiency Heating, Cooling & Fireplaces is here for all your HVAC needs. From servicing your furnace to emergency calls, we’ve got you covered.

Why Choose Efficiency Heating, Cooling & Fireplaces

Our furnace repair service in Saskatoon, SK is top-notch. We have been in the industry for years now. Our priority is always service quality and client satisfaction. To do this, we hire only the best technicians with the right experience and knowledge in the field. We also train them well, so they can be updated on the most advanced approaches in furnace repair, maintenance, and installation. We invest in service quality above all else because we believe that it’s the only way we can deliver our vision to be the ultimate partner of residents and businesses alike. Call us at (306) 384-4328 for furnace installation in Saskatoon and get top-grade service provision.

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